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Turkey for Christmas


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Dry Brined Rubbed with butter and herbs I did a surprisingly decent job carving it

I made a turkey for Christmas using the same basic method as I did for Thanksgiving 2018[@rev]. The big difference is that I used a 12 lbs turkey rather than one twice its size. I spatchcocked it and dry-brined[@rev] it for two days (with the plastic wrap as suggested)

I baked it as it 450°F but I think it needed longer than expected. I also went to 155°F in the breast instead of 150°F out of a combination of an abundance of caution and forgetting the target temp.

It came out pretty good. The breast was maybe a tad dry but really not too bad. And the dark meat was delicious. The skin was also super crisp.

I rubbed it with melted butter and fresh "poultry herbs" (I think parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme) before baking it. The herbs burned on the skin. Maybe I wasn’t supposed to use herbs like that. I am not sure1.

Also, no picture but I made roasted canned potatoes with just olive oil and garlic salt.

  1. Next time, I will follow this recipe and do the herbs underneath